Tea manga :)



Furuta Oribe (1544-1615) harcos volt aki később tea mester lett. Rikyuval állt kapcsolatban és részt vett a Hideyoshi tea találkozókon is. A második generációs tea mesterek egyike. Az Oribe ryu alapítója.
További információ: http://wiki.chado.no/Furuta%20Oribe

Ha pedig már a manga szóbajött, Hyouge Mono címmel készült sadou-s anime is 🙂



Tea lepény grafika verseny

Ha esetleg valaki jó grafikus lenne:



Welcome everyone to 2012, the Year of the Dragon. This year we really want to involve our customers in the design of our 2012 tea cake wrapper that we will use for our Yun Zhi Yuan (Yunnan Sourcing) tea cakes!

To sweeten the pot a bit we will be offering a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize for the best designs!

1st prize: $250.00 USD credit voucher for use on Yunnan Sourcing dot com website!
2nd prize: $150.00 USD credit voucher for use on Yunnan Sourcing dot com website!
3rd prize: $100.00 USD credit voucher for use on Yunnan Sourcing dot com website!

Please submit all designs no later than March 1st. We will announce winners on this blog, and via twitter and facebook (of course we will email winners directly) no later than March 10th.

1. Designs should be done in either Photoshop or Illustrator 300 DPI. Other formats may be OK, but would prefer these two formats. Also provide us with a JPEG or PDF format version of the design so we can easily compare and preview.
2. Any fonts used should be included with your submission.
3. Design must prominently feature these characters “云之源”
4. Bonus for hand drawn lettering or illustrations.
5. Bonus for inclusion of a dragon (character or image) in the design
6. Keep design to three colors (or black and white). No mixing / gradient of colors as this won’t print well on the hand-made white paper we plan to use.

We reserve the right to:

1. Change the fonts or design features of your design before we print the wrapper.
2. Add additional information, such as our logo, hand stamp seal, net weight of the tea cake, QS information (back) and QR code (back) to the wrapper, or anything else
3. Retain right to use as we see fit now and into the future!

Thanks and good luck, if you have any questions email me at scott at yunnansourcing d0t com!

– Scott